M.Jackson & The Gay Community.
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William J,.Wolfe
2005-04-11 11:11:07 UTC
Michael Jackson's case is a tricky one with alot at steak here...at
least in the eyes of ever-so gay Hollywood and gay Washington D.C.
Being heterosexual and being a pedophile are NOT the same thing.
Being gay and being a pedophile are NOT the same thing.
Too bad too many straight people in the USA don't realize this.
So how would you label something like jacKKK off which is both a
paedophile and has homsexual tastes in his bed partners?
Wyle Coyote
2005-04-11 21:30:27 UTC
If M.J. is guilty, then he is a classic homosexual pedophile! I love
the way the gay community tries to candy coat everything and sweep its
filthy side under the rug. Puhleeeze! We all know there are lots of
gay men who love underage boys. The first step to recovery is
acceptance! Now come out of the closet...again.
2005-04-12 00:56:38 UTC
Michael Jackson's case is a tricky one with alot at steak here...at
least in the eyes of ever-so gay Hollywood and gay Washington D.C.
Being heterosexual and being a pedophile are NOT the same thing.
Being gay and being a pedophile are NOT the same thing.
Too bad too many straight people in the USA don't realize this. Most
people in the gay community certainly do.
-- Franklin Hummel in Boston, Massachusetts
Yeah, what Franklin posted.
Opinions founded on prejudice are always sustained with the greatest
-- Hebrew proverb