Why didn't gov or mayor of New Orleans bus people before?
(too old to reply)
Kris Baker
2005-09-05 20:24:29 UTC
Oh, I don't think there's too may people trying to absolve the
admistration from all wrongdoing.
Turn on an TV or radio with a right-wing talk show host and that is all
you see and hear.
(On Usenet, in these groups for example, "Verizon User" is a perfect
example of this.)
If you (and others) would take a
breather from pounding that "Bush & Co." drum incessantly you might
see that.
I've turned on my TV and radio and watched and heard right-wing talk show
hosts -- and saw and heard all of them trying to absolve the
administration from all wrongdoing.
Yeah....and it's not working. At all.

Bush's approval rating was low *before* this mess. It'll plummet now.

The only thing he can do is start firing those useless FEMA/DHS "leaders"
whose presence wouldn't be missed if they were used to plug the levees.

2005-09-05 20:52:08 UTC
Turn on an TV or radio with a right-wing talk show host
and that is all you see and hear. (On Usenet, in these
groups for example, "Verizon User" is a perfect example
of this.)
Except they are being drowned out by the media types and
netizens screaming "IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!"

That is, when they're not trying to justify the murders,
rapes and looting committed by New Orleans residents that
began _the second the hurricane blew over_, by screaming
