Kris Baker
2005-09-05 20:24:29 UTC
Oh, I don't think there's too may people trying to absolve the
admistration from all wrongdoing.
Turn on an TV or radio with a right-wing talk show host and that is alladmistration from all wrongdoing.
you see and hear.
(On Usenet, in these groups for example, "Verizon User" is a perfect
example of this.)
If you (and others) would take a
breather from pounding that "Bush & Co." drum incessantly you might
see that.
I've turned on my TV and radio and watched and heard right-wing talk showbreather from pounding that "Bush & Co." drum incessantly you might
see that.
hosts -- and saw and heard all of them trying to absolve the
administration from all wrongdoing.
Bush's approval rating was low *before* this mess. It'll plummet now.
The only thing he can do is start firing those useless FEMA/DHS "leaders"
whose presence wouldn't be missed if they were used to plug the levees.