The Pervert
2006-05-15 20:49:47 UTC
Jafo wrote...
Not at all. Many people who are now seniors retired on a fixed income... People in the remainder of the country risk getting
screwed out of their own homes
...where you highly exaggerate a risk...screwed out of their own homes
have seen properties increase in value by a factor of ten or fifteen.
such as "people"... but when narrowed to "seniors
and fixed income folks," then I agree.
years at the end of 2005. I haven't been able to find a full-time job
since. I'm look for temp work now.
My mortgage is taken automatically out of my checking account. The
payment is $320. My checking account has $280. For the first time in
7 years since I bought the place where I live, I'm going to be
overdrawn on my mortgage.
I scraped up *all* the money I could find to put in my checking and
that is all the money I could come up with.
Right now, all I have left is about $1.50 in change, literally. That's
for the rest of May, Sid. No money for food; I'll be living on water
with sugar in it. No money to pay for any of my bills either. I
closed my cable TV account weeks ago because I had no money to pay
that. I don't have long-distance phone service anymore. Right now, I
owe the electric company $1,000+.
I *was* very middle-class *BEFORE* fucking asshole, shit-for-brains
Bush and Company took power in 2000. Since then, it has been a steady
drop in my being able to keep up with any of my utility bills and other
debt. Now, I can't at all.
I *AM* reaching the point where I am going to be loosing my home.
-Tom Sr.
is anecdotal, not necessarily symptomatic.
I'm the opposite. I'm 56, basically am self-employed (sorts... it's
complicated, but profitable) and am doing better than ever financially. I
attribute this to years of hard work paying off, and always having several
'outs' in case something goes wrong. Now, I understand that my situation
may not mirror others. Then again, my *life* doesn't mirror others. But I
also understand that there are no guarantees in life other than you'll never
get out of it alive.
I don't except anybody to take care of me. Not my family, not the
government. As you said, there may be some "fucking asshole,
shit-for-brains" screwing things up, and I have no intention of being a
victim of any such fucking asshole, shit-for-brains regardless of which
party said fucking asshole, shit-for-brains may be affiliated with.
Personally, I don't believe any fucking asshole, shit-for-brains can screw
things up that badly for me. I always have a say in what happens in my
life. But that's just me. I work (and play) hard, I work (and play) as
much as I can, and am responsible for myself, and accept responsibility to
help some people close to me. I also have no intention of being a fucking
asshole, shit-for-brains in my own life so I make damned sure my
responsibilities are taken care of with contingencies in case some other
fucking asshole, shit-for-brains gets in my way or screws things up for me.
I sincerely hope your financial and personal fortunes takes a serious
upturn. My notion is that pissing and moaning about some alleged fucking
asshole, shit-for-brains won't help in improving your prospects. Pity
parties are good for about three days and I really do encourage them... for
no longer than those three days. After that suck it up, do what needs to be
done, and make your life work again. Nobody else will do it for you, and
after three days, nobody else will much care.
Good luck.