Franklin Hummel
2005-04-01 21:58:53 UTC
Apologize for what?
For accusing me of something which wasnt true. For accusing Michael Schiavo ofsomething which he didn't do.
You have the chance now to show maturity by admitting what these claims were not the
truth, that you were wrong. Show the other posters and lurkers, right now, that you
accept your responsibility for your actions when you make mistakes by admitting to them.
Valuing life no matter what?
There was no Terri Schiavo in that body, that thing; there was no woman there; there wasno person there. She died 15 years before her body died.
Have you eaten beef? Have you eaten chicken? There was more consciousness in the cow or
that chicken your meals came from than there was in the body of Terri Schiavo that died a
day ago.
Have you every killed a mouse? There was more consciousness in that mouse than was in
Mrs. Schiavos body that died on Thursday.
Have you ever pulled an apple off a tree? Have you every broke a flower from a stem? If
you did, you did the same thing that happened to a body with a vegetable brain on March
31, 2005 in a Florida hospice.
Refusing to put my own conditions on it's value?
(Its not its.)When your conditions are irrational and contrary to reality, yes.
Refusing to give in when it's uncomfortable for ME?
For refusing to accept adult responsibility to admit in public, here on Usenet, you werewrong, when you made these claims in public which were proven not to be true, no manner
*how* uncomfortable they are for *you*.
Michael's father says "she has put up a tremendous battle to live.
She's not throwing in the towel."
That's not Michael's father saying that! That's Terri's father!She's not throwing in the towel."
Michael's father is dead.
I just love trolls.
That being said, I got that quote out of my local paper. Upon
re-reading it, it says, "She's doing remarkably well under the
circumstances," said Schiavo's father, Bob Schindler."
So it is an editorial mistake from a smalltown newspaper, my friend,
nothing else. Shoot me for it. Starve me.
If I'm a troll, then you are too. Calm down.
Show everyone here you accept your moral and ethical responsibilities by apologizing for
your errors. Prove to us you hold to and live by the standards you constantly claim in
your posts that other do not.
Show us *who* you are, Huronia
Or dont, and show us *what* you are.
-- Franklin Hummel in Boston, Massachusetts